18 Jul 2011

Orla and Paul's wedding at The Ross Park Hotel

Recently I had the honour of being photographer at Orla and Paul's wedding. Their wedding was held in St Patricks Church in Crebilly (just outside Ballymena) and was followed by a reception in the lovely Ross Park Hotel.

The weather in the week running up to the wedding was fairly typical of Northern Ireland to the extent that we were all prepared for the worst and had altenative venues arranged just in case. The day for me began with heading into Ballymena to Orla's home and as I drove through the rain I was less than hopeful. However the sky cleared and in fact it was a lovely day with conditions about as good as anyone coudl ask for.

St Patrick Church gives some lovely views over Ballymena and the Ross Park is a great venue for a wedding. The fact that the only have one wedding per day means that you have the entire place at your displsal and the staff are really friendly and helpful.

Not to mention the other benefit that it is only about 20mins away from home so I dont have a long journey when the day is finished. This wedding was also lovely because I was also the photographer at Orla's sisters wedding so soem of the guests were familair and its always nice when a family ask you back . It at least gives me hope that I did a reasonable job for them on the first occasion.

Anyway the following is a brief selection of a few of my initial favourites from the day

Wedding Photographer Northern Ireland