Our diary is filling up quickly, especially for 2011…but I still have some dates available.
Ross Park Hotel
The Ross Park bridal Fair will take place on Sunday 20th March 2011, 2pm-5pm
I am delighted that this year I have been invited take part so will have a stand in the Kells and Connor Suite.
So if you are planning to visit pop in and say hello and see what we have on offer. I might even have a few sweets !!!
I am hoping to introduce some additional brand new albums to my range over the next few months.These have just been released for 2011 from the suppliers so are not yet available but hopefully it will not be too long. In the meantime I have to make do with some brochure shots of the new albums.However all my current albums will be available to view at the bridal fayres.

I will also be showing the brand new DVD slideshows of wedding imaages which are now available.
We are also offering some new wall art products in addition to the normal framed prints, acrylics and canvas wraps